Kamis, 14 Juni 2012


softskill The importance of soft skill in Gunadarma University helps students to work with the text can be read by everyone. Students who excel in the field of soft skill can socialize with the community at large.

The ability of human beings is actually divided into two hardskill and softskill. 
hardskill is the human ability to learn in general or what we call intelligence, while soft skill is the ability of humans to organize as public speaking, set up an organization and others.

Lately, most people are too busy increasing their hardskill soft skill so they are less trained. And they have difficulties when entering the workforce, because the world of work is more necessary than hardskill soft skill.
Therefore should we train our soft skill early on, because the soft skill is one of the factors that determine a person's success in the future.
Here are some of the benefits of soft skill that I know of:
1. can be independent
2. soft skill to build character
3. build a quality of personality
4. foster self-confidence
5. foster sensitivity and insight into the thinking of our personality

So in my opinion can shape the personality and soft skill soft skill is also a barometer of a person in work and then all students must update they writing and posting the web.
it is important.

the source of google, articles, and my opinion

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